Literature bits, most from somewhere, some original.

January 14, 2012

There is no truth

There is no truth, you know? It's not about locking up all the bad guys. It doesn't work like that. There are no bad guys. There are no good guys. It's not 'grey' either. It's just that the truth shifts according to each person you talk to, and as the truth shifts it gets obscured on another layer of agenda. Intelligence is about being able to see accurately in any one moment why someone is doing something. On either side of that moment in a different circumstance, you may not be able to interpret what you've seen. But if you can get a chance at it just once, then you may have a chance at interpolation. If you never see it, you'll never be able to guess anything.


There is no truth because it's lost in the fourth dimension of time, and just when you think you understand it, it's passed. The game's a kaleidoscope.

 - Dan (The Situation, 2006)